Saturday, June 2nd 2018 it’s time for our Apiary AGM to be held at the Apiary at High Elms Country Park, Shire Lane, BR6 7JH.

Everyone is welcome to attend, it is not a long heavy meeting quite the opposite. Tea will be available from 2pm and it will be a chance to catch up with all that’s going on and if you have not been to the Apiary in a little while a good opportunity to see the great subtle changes that Roy has been making since taking over as manager.

As I say the official part of the meeting will not take too long but opinions are wanted on what to do with the Nettle bed and also at our last Apiary meet of the season we still plan to plant a tree to mark our Centenary year and we need to start a conversation about which tree to choose … and of course after all of this there is the chance to inspect the club hives.

So hope to see you there.

Susan (Branch Chair)